CapacityHD is a programme that enables knowledge sharing among EU and EFTA countries that helps to build their capacity for the primary use of health data. Two main forms of knowledge exchange are used: peer-to-peer support (twinning activities between countries) and masterclasses.

Currently, many countries are engaged in twinning activities, exchanging on topics of interest such as implementing national EHR and ePrescription systems, adopting patient summaries, developing comprehensive digital health strategies and roadmaps, tackling digital literacy in a comprehensive way, etc.

Masterclasses focus on topics related to the primary use of health data, for which no country expressed interest or availability in organising a twinning activity. The contents of the CapacityHD masterclasses are developed by an experienced expert team complemented by learnings and case studies from individual countries, experiences in relevant EU initiatives, projects, Joint Actions, etc. Masterclass sessions are targeting expert users who deal with the primary use of health data, including:

►    Public administration staff working on national digital health services, which are responsible for or directly involved in the planning, development and roll-out of national digital health services (e.g. health agencies, ministries)
►    Digital health, eHealth and health data policy-makers
►    Leaders in eHealth Competence Centre centres
►    Healthcare organisation and regional chief information and technology officers, senior level data managers, procurement officers
►    Digital health leads within healthcare professional organisations and patient organisations
►    Those developing or driving digital skills capacity building within the healthcare workforce

This module focuses on digital health interoperability and the use of common specifications. It provides an overview of relevant EU policies, followed by key interoperability concepts as part of an overall framework, and complemented by how interoperability can be tested.